Whisper Arts Приложения

Business Taxi Shell 2.1.7.b
Whisper Arts
Business Shell - allows to run only allowedapplications on your phone or tablet. Build safe zone on yourdevice.With this application you can configure your device to launch onlyapproved applications.Application will be useful for: sales representatives, couriers,taxi drivers and other personal.Features:- User mode - allow to run only approoved apps- Administrator mode - configuration the app- Works quick even on devices with huge number of installedapplications: hundreds and more- Blocks all the possible ways to leave the safe space- Simple and intuitive design- Ability to set your own password like pin-code- Lock the button "Home" (Home)- Multilingual (Russian, English and other languages​​)- Safe Kid-Mode for any tablets and smartphones- Quick applications adding with single click (activated insettings);- Optimized for Tablets and PhonesPRO-version:- No ads- change wallpapers on the desktop- built-in video player capable of playing videos from yourdevice- you can select to block incoming calls or not- create folders and organize your apps- configure any number of workspace screens- a quick call to any contact - simply add a contact from theaddress book on your desktop- ability to add widgets- blocking access to the InternetAfter you install and run the application, carefully read theinstructions for setting up and operation of the application.Want to receive the latest news about the application? Subscribeto the news group https://www.facebook.com/WhisperArts
Tabtabus 1.0.0
Whisper Arts
Conference Tabtabus is a unique dialogueplatform for representatives of business and IT professionalsSmolensk and Smolensk region. You can find new partners, to shareexperiences, to talk about the achievements of your company in theinformation world and its path to success.The application Tabtabus will become your personal assistant atthe conference.You will find in thу app:- the actual plan for each day of the conference,- will be able to evaluate the presentations in real-time,- to give feedback to the organizers.Besides, you will learn:- where is the conference place;- where is the closest cafe and snack bars;- where is the after-party place with coordinates in the map.You can learn more about the conference on the website http://www.tabtabus.ru/Want to receive the latest news about the application? Subscribeto the news grouphttp://vk.com/whisperarts
Safe Internet Browser for Kids
Whisper Arts
Safe Internet Browser for Kids - allow kids to surf web safely
Конференция - Смоленск 1.0.0
Whisper Arts
26-27 февраля 2015 года в г. Смоленскесостоится Восьмая ежегодная межрегиональная научно-практическаяконференция «Инфокоммуникационные технологии в региональномразвитии».Это приложение станет вашим персональным помощником наконференции.В приложении вы:- найдете актуальную программу каждого дня конференции,- узнаете необходимую информацию о местах проведенияконференции;- познакомитесь со спонсорами и организаторами мероприятия;- узнаете, где находятся ближайшие гостиницы и заведения, в которыхможно перекусить.Кроме того вы сможете:- поделиться с друзьями в социальных сетях новостями сконференции;- оставить отзыв организаторам о мероприятии.Подробности о проведении конференции вы сможете узнать на сайтеhttp://expo.smolensk.ru/February 26-27, 2015 inSmolensk will be the eighth annual inter-regionalscientific-practical conference "Information and CommunicationTechnologies in Regional Development".This app will be your personal assistant at the conference.In the appendix you:- Find the actual program each day of the conference,- Learn the necessary information on the conference venue;- Meet with sponsors and organizers of the event;- Find out where the nearest hotels and restaurants where you caneat.In addition, you can:- Share with friends on social networks news from theconference;- Give feedback to the organizers of the event.Details about the conference you can find on the site http://expo.smolensk.ru/
Моя Планета - угадай слово 2.6.0e
Whisper Arts
Это бесплатная игра, где вам предстоитугадать, что изображено на скрытых картинках. ВсЁ, что вам нужно -это открывать фрагменты картинок!- лёгкий геймплей- яркие изображения- более 100 уровней- для всех возрастовХотите получать самые последние новости о работе приложения?Подписывайтесь на новости в группе http://vk.com/whisperartsThis is a free game whereyou have to guess what is shown on the hidden pictures. All youneed - is to open fragments of pictures!- Easy gameplay- Bright image- More than 100 levels- for all agesDo you want to receive the latest news about the application?Subscribe to news http://vk.com/whisperarts group
My Planet - Guess the Word 2.9.0e
Whisper Arts
Free game - guess what is on the picture. Allyou need is to open fragments of images!- easy to play- colorful images- over 100 levels- for all agesWant to receive the latest news about the application? Subscribeto the news group at https://www.facebook.com/WhisperArts
Guess Olympic Summer Games Rio 2.1.0e
Whisper Arts
Free game - Guess Olympic Sports inSummerOlympic Games 2016! All you need is to open fragments ofimages!- easy to play- colorful images- over 100 levels- for all agesWant to receive the latest news about the application?Subscribeto the news group athttps://www.facebook.com/WhisperArts
Pill & medication reminder 3.0.6
Whisper Arts
Pill medication reminder - take pill in time and track your medicalmeasurements
3/9 Dragon Gorinich Adventure
Whisper Arts
Adventure of Dragon Gorinich from 3/9 Kingdom
ГТОшка ищет друзей 2.2.1
Whisper Arts
ГТОшка ищет друзей - интерактивное приложениедля детей школьного возраста. О детском спорте, о победах, олидерстве, здоровом образе жизни и, конечно же о ГТО!Главный герой нашей большой истории - весёлый озорной мальчуганГТОшка, которого так назвали родители в честь дедушки. ГТОшказнакомит детей с окружающим миром, миром спорта и со здоровымобразом жизни. А делает это он через познавательные истории,интерактивные раскраски, запутанные лабиринты и увлекательныеигры.GTOshka looking forfriends - an interactive app for children of school age. On thechildren's sports, the victories, about leadership, healthylifestyles, and of course on the TRP!The protagonist of our big stories - funny naughty boy GTOshkawhose parents are so named in honor of his grandfather. GTOshkaintroduces children to the world around them, the world of sportand a healthy lifestyle. And it does so through the history ofcognitive, interactive coloring, confusing mazes and excitinggames.
Афиша Смоленск 1.0.3
Whisper Arts
Афиша Смоленск - это ежедневно обновляемаябазасобытий от главного туристско-информационного порталаСмоленска -VisitSmolensk.ru.Не знаете куда пойти сегодня? Подскажет Афиша Смоленск!Выставки, концерты, спектакли, музеи, вечеринки испециальныеакции!С помощью нашего приложения вы сможете:- найти события в Смоленске на конкретный день, неделю, месяцвгоду;- узнать стоимость билетов на все мероприятия в Смоленске;- отслеживать афишу театров, концертов, клубов,выставок,мастер-классов, гастролей, экскурсий, вечеринок вСмоленске;- узнать подробное описание выставок, спектаклей, вечеринокит.д.- легко перейти на основной сайт театров, ночных клубов,выставочныхзалов, зоопарка и т.д.Все вопросы, пожелания, идеи пишитенаvisit@smolensk-travel.ruPoster of Smolensk -adaily updated database of events from the maintourist-informationportal Smolensk - VisitSmolensk.ru.Do not know where to go today? Tell Poster Smolensk!Exhibitions, concerts, plays, museums, parties andspecialevents!With our app you can:- Find events in Smolensk on a particular day, week,month,year;- Find out the cost of tickets to all events in Smolensk;- Monitor the poster of theaters, concerts, clubs,exhibitions,workshops, tours, excursions, parties inSmolensk;- Find a detailed description of exhibitions, performances,parties,etc.- Easy to go to the primary site theaters, night clubs,showrooms,zoo, etc.Any questions, suggestions, ideas, writetovisit@smolensk-travel.ru
Animal and pet care diary
Whisper Arts
Keep a diary of your pets and set handy notifications aboutimportant event 🐶😸
ToDominder - to do lists and reminders 2.2.3
Whisper Arts
This simple application will help you to keep your mind clear.Allyour business you can sort by different categories and profiles.Inthe application you can create different task lists andsetreminders for them. There is an possibility to set upflexiblenotifications using various schemes for setting remindersin theapp. Now you will do everything regularly and on time.Usefull-screen notifications with an audio signal or unobtrusivetextreminders for all the most important habits that you want togetyourself vaccinated. The main features of the application: - setuphandy reminders - view history of events - group eventsintodifferent categories - add your categories of events Do youwant toreceive the latest news about the application? Subscribe toournews group at https://www.facebook.com/WhisperArts
Habit tracker & goals planner
Whisper Arts
Good Habits - Goals and Reminder with preinstalled 100 Ideas to dolist
Housekeeping Planner Reminder
Whisper Arts
Home cleaning schedule, chores tracker, to do list - plan yourhousehold!
Baby care diary. Planner, to do list, reminders
Whisper Arts
Parents need to care of their children at any age.Unfortunately,sometimes it is too difficult for parents to manageeverything inthe modern rhythm of life. But children should notsuffer from ourforgetfulness and congestion! Therefore, we createdthisapplication for responsible parents - Baby Care Diary. The appwillhelp novice parents of the newborn babies and parents ofgrown-upchildren to perform routine daily care and be preparedforimportant events in their children's live. Just addnecessaryaction in the app and it will remind you about them ontime. Theapp will also help to follow pediatrician’srecommendations, getused to a new rhythm of life for noviceparents. It is important tounderstand that every month, literallyevery day brings somethingnew in the behavior, habits and physicalcapabilities of the child.So we have to restructure the dailyroutine, diet, and children'sactivities. During the first year oflife, the child's bodydevelops very quickly. In the future, thedevelopment of the childslows down. But it doesn’t mean thatparents' concern for health,upbringing, creating good conditionsfor children can be weakened.If you have several children, you cancreate to-do lists andreminders for each of them. Baby Care Diary -handy and simple appwhich will help you in care of your kid. In theapp you can setreminders about all important events and write adiary of yourbaby. Main features of the app: - handy notifications- kid’s lifehistory - grouping events for different categories(Hygiene,Physical development, Medical examination, etc.) - addyour owncategories Found a mistake in our language translation?Help us fixit:https://whisperarts.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project/134215Doyou want to receive the latest news about the application?Subscribeto our news group at https://www.facebook.com/WhisperArts
Octo - alarm clock. Planner, to do list, reminders 2.2.3
Whisper Arts
Octo - alarm clock will wake you up for running in themorning,remind you about a visit to the dentist, about birthdaysandsignificant events in the life of your family and friends.Setflexible reminders for any events. These can be singleremindersthat are not repeated, or periodic cases, which areimportant toremind at a certain time. Use full-screen alarmreminders for highpriority tasks or choose a simple text messagefor less importantthings. You can also make a to-do list. When youare ready, simplyset a reminder for this task to perform it at theappointed time.Keep your life under control. Plan, execute andmanage everythingin time! All events will be recorded in thehistory and, ifnecessary, you will be able to view them. The mainfeatures of theapplication: - set up convenient reminders - viewevent history -group events into different categories - add yourcategories ofevents - choose your ringtone - dark mode Do you wantto receivethe latest news about the application? Subscribe to ournews groupat https://www.facebook.com/WhisperArts
Patroloc - color puzzle game, 1.0.1
Whisper Arts
What color is different? How far can you go? Play with yourfriends!
Hygge diary - hygge things to do 2020 1.2.3
Whisper Arts
Hygge is a philosophy from Denmark. Hygge is the littlesecretswhich help you to make your life more harmonious andhappier. Hyggeis an atmosphere of peace and warmth. Hygge iscomfort andhappiness in the details. Hygge is a subdued light andfriendlyatmosphere. Hygge is a concept that helps you become happy.Hyggehelps you learn to appreciate the present moment every day.Themain functions of the application: - the list of Hygge-tasks-reminders to do some Hygge things - tips on how to bring Hyggeintoyour life - add your tasks and reminders in the style of Hygge-view event history - group events into different categories -addyour own categories of events Do you want to receive thelatestnews about the application? Subscribe to our news groupathttps://www.facebook.com/WhisperArts
House plants - gardener diary, herbs, grower
Whisper Arts
Track the life cycle of your plants
Breastfeeding tracker Pump log 4.7.0
Whisper Arts
Easy tracking of baby feeding, pumping, diapers, sleep, care,newborn growth!
Tales audiobooks with pictures 2.4.0
Whisper Arts
Favorite fairy tales and storybooks for children
Russian alphabet for kids 2.1.0
Whisper Arts
Learn Russian alphabet and play fun word games with kids
Russian alphabet for kids PRO 2.0.5
Whisper Arts
Russian alphabet for children
Stop Motion Cartoon Maker 3.3.0
Whisper Arts
Time lapse video creator, animation, cartoon making, stop-motionvideo
Connect the dots learn numbers game
Whisper Arts
Learn to count. Connect the dots and discover amazing pictures.
Mathematics and numbers for kids. Learn numbers
Whisper Arts
Learn to count from 1 to 10.
Kid's Shell - Safe Kid Launche 2.5.1
Whisper Arts
Kid's Shell - safe phone mode for children, safe launcher, limitscreen time
PonyMashka - play and learn
Whisper Arts
Preparation for school, educational games for children, logic tasks
Stories, puzzles for kids
Whisper Arts
Neposeda - colorful app includes educational stories, puzzles andexperiments!
Preparation for school 2.4.0
Whisper Arts
Edutainment Games for kids aged 2 to 10 to improve attention,logic, and memory
Learn Colors for Toddlers
Whisper Arts
Colors for Kids and Children - learn colors with fun!
Payments & Bills reminder
Whisper Arts
The application will remind you on time to make payments:bills,credit, housing and utilities, insurance and otherregularpayments: mortgage, internet, mobile phone, payment forakindergarten, electricity and any other bills or payments. Justrunthe application. Set up a schedule of reminders at the desireddayand time. Application will remind you to make a payment. See inthehistory of what payments you made and what amounts you paid.Thanksto this application, you will have a record of all the eventsonyour phone. Reminder about bills and payments is a simpleandconvenient application that will help you not to forgetaboutupcoming payments and bills. Main functions of the app: -handynotifications - history of bills payments - grouping billsindifferent categories (housing and utilities, insurance,credit,healthcare, tax, mortgage, etc.) - add your own categoriesWant toreceive the latest news about the application? Subscribe tothenews group at https://www.facebook.com/WhisperArts
Breastfeeding Newborn tracker 5.8.4
Whisper Arts
Newborn log: baby feeding, pump log, sleep, diapers, breastfeeding, development
Learn forms, figures, shapes for kids
Whisper Arts
Learn shapes and figures - educational application for children
Learn forms and shapes - KEY
Whisper Arts
Learn shapes and figures - educational application for children
Baby sleep sounds White noise 1.4.0
Whisper Arts
Over 80 soothing sleep sounds - nature, fan, rain, windy, babywhite noise, etс
3/9 Kingdom - kid's magazine
Whisper Arts
Interactive fabulous comics with interesting games, developingtasks, inventions
ЮНИЛАЙН - журналы онлайн
Whisper Arts
Журналы для детей и взрослых - Непоседа, 1000 Советов, 3/9 Царствои другие
Menstrual cycle tracker - Days 1.3.1-Google
Whisper Arts
Simple period calendar - menstrual cycle tracking, symptoms,reminders, PMS